老人家庭或行動不便者。/ Family with elder or persons with limited mobility.
止滑地板, 樓梯扶手, 移動, 感應照明

林奶奶手術後回家休養後,需要雙邊扶手裝置來幫助她平衡且穩當地上下樓梯。當模擬習慣行動的方式及並溝通適當的使用行為後,安置扶手配合樓梯空間的防滑木紋扶手。 After Grandma Lin went home to recover from surgery, she needed a bilateral handrail device to help her walk up and down the stairs with balance and stability. The handrails were placed to match the non-slip wood grain handrails in the stair space after simulating habitual movement patterns and communicating appropriate usage behaviors.

林奶奶手術後回家休養後,需要雙邊扶手裝置來幫助她平衡且穩當地上下樓梯。當模擬習慣行動的方式及並溝通適當的使用行為後,安置扶手配合樓梯空間的防滑木紋扶手。 After Grandma Lin went home to recover from surgery, she needed a bilateral handrail device to help her walk up and down the stairs with balance and stability. After simulating habitual movement patterns and communicating appropriate usage behaviors, the handrails were placed to match the non-slip wood grain handrails in the stair space.

林奶奶手術後回家休養後,需要雙邊扶手裝置來幫助她平衡且穩當地上下樓梯。當模擬習慣行動的方式及並溝通適當的使用行為後,安置扶手配合樓梯空間的防滑木紋扶手。 After Grandma Lin went home to recover from surgery, she needed a bilateral handrail device to help her walk up and down the stairs with balance and stability. The handrails were placed to match the non-slip wood grain handrails in the stair space after simulating habitual movement patterns and communicating appropriate usage behaviors.
- 利用雙手的力量減輕腿部和臀部的負擔。
- 預防跌倒等事故。
- 因扶手的存在而提供安全感。
Installing handrails on stairs reduces physical strain and supports those living on upper floors. It helps prevent injuries, reduces the burden on legs and hips, prevents falls, and provides security. Handrails are essential for elderly individuals and those with declining mobility.